So today I partook in a "One Cup" Communion service... well, sort of.
There were in actuality four cups.
To my surprise (& relief, I guess?) we didn't all sip from the same four cups, but rather,
broke off pieces of (leavened) bread & dipped them in the cup...
Is this the right way to do communion?
Is it the wrong way?
I guess I would probably say "No" to both questions.
I am not really put off or upset by the use of leavened bread... Or the one cup, or the dipping rather then sipping. I don't think it is probably the most accurate representation of the original feast, but neither is the use of grape juice over wine... or the use of a tiny crumb & thimble-sized cup over a real feast or a snack...
I think the more important issue is in actually celebrating the feast... it is pointless in splitting hairs over what "This" is if we don't "Do this," or, if it ceases to be "In Remembrance of (Christ)."