Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Permanent Possessions

I will never forget the words of the mostly ignorant & camera-illiterate BestBuy salesman who told me "It doesn't matter which one you get, if you buy a DSLR (digital single-lens-reflex camera), you've got a camera for life."

I don't know if he meant "These cameras are so expensive that no matter what happens to it you will gladly shell-out for repairs." Or perhaps he was referring to the level of pasion for & dedication to photography that someone buying a DSLR has or will have upon embarking on this wonderful photographic experience. I tend to think that this guy was just ignorant enough of technology to think that these cameras never wear out, break, or get out-dated... This was 2 years & 3 models ago of the same camera I was looking at (which I had actually bought online earlier that month).

Truth is, folks, everything wears out. Everything breaks eventually. And everything electronic or tech-based gets out-dated before to terribly long, and probably quicker then the last t-shirt you bought...

If you are looking for permanence, I would say that possessions are a lame place to look...

(pictured above, the 35mm film SLR I just bought used (almost new) for 2/3 less than retail. I don't consider gear or photography my source of happiness, but it is a lot of fun! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Retard.

You might say that I am a cleaning retard... it takes me 2-5x as long as most people to clean, and this is a painful and tedious process for me. That being said, I'm doing it... I'm cleaning my house. And much like a retard in school, people might ask "why does he clean, he's obviously not good at it." The answer is simple... I clean because I want to live in a clean house, and no one else is going to do it for me.