OK, I assume that most of you all have heard of Job... the guy from the Bible. This is supposedly the oldest book in the Bible.
Hypothetically speaking, he had it all.
I'm not here to discuss whether this is a parable or an actual historical account... for all practical purposes outside of the realm of archeology and creation science, it really doesn't make a bit of difference.
The point is there is this guy who HAS EVERYTHING. God allows Satan to TAKE IT ALL away. He remains FAITHFUL TO GOD. GOD BLESSES JOB MORE THEN EVER.
Seems simple enough, right?
But wait, there is a catch. Job had seven sons and three daughters. A natural disaster kills them all, crushed to death under the oldest brother's crumbled house while at a party.
Then, after God tests Job and Job remains faithful, God gives him seven more sons and three more daughters.
The question is, then, DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT?
The first flaw in this question is that we shouldn't question GOD. Sounds like a simple and stupid rule, but He knows everything and we know nothing.
The second flaw in this question is that all was not lost... all things considered, Job didn't loose his children. You could say their lives were short, but that isn't the same as to say they "were taken from him." NONE OF US ARE PROMISED SEVENTY YEARS, FOLKS. Did you really "loose what you had" (years of your life, a loved one, posesions, etc), or were you blessed to have them while you did?
The third flaw in this question is that Job was humbled and God told him the way things were. Put him in his place, so to speak. By the time God got around to giving Job more kids, Job must have realized that he had nothing coming to him. Couldn't we all learn something from God's words to Job here? We all think that we have this stuff "entitled" to us... A good job with decent pay and benefits. A nice car to drive. Good food on our plates. A wonderful woman by our side. A working computer. A good camera. Health. Wealth. Happiness. The list goes on. We earned it. We deserve it. God owes us.
God owes us nothing. We are His children. Everything we have, He gave us. Our only proper response to what we have, be it little or a lot, is GRATITUDE and RESPONSIBILITY. GRATITUDE for what we have been given, and RESPONSIBILITY to use that which we have been given to the fullest.
The final flaw I see to my own question here is that you dont need to "fix" what was "broke" to be happy again. Job can't have his kids back, but he can be happy again. You might not be able to "get back on the horse" but when that happens, you get on another horse. Or maybe you get on something else... a truck, a bike, a boat. Perhaps you start walking. You dont give up, that's for sure. You cant change the past, but you can change the future.