Happiness is only REAL when SHARED.
I watched this movie over a month ago about the life and wanderings of "Alexander Supertramp."
His outlook on life was uncool, his childhood was messed up, and having more money then most people upon graduation from college, he gives a lot of it to charity, throws it away, and even burns it.
After "freeing" himself from all earthly possessions, he sets off wandering...
working odd jobs, begging and mooching, he lives the life of a hobo.
when his wanderings take him to Alaska, he decides to live entirely off of the "wilderness."
As he is dying alone in the woods in misery from ingesting poisonous plants, he pens these words:
Happiness is only REAL when SHARED.
Is this something that we can learn without having to learn from the experience of being alone and miserable?
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